14:30 Registration
15:00 Opening Session
Welcome Address: Giorgio Berlingieri
Institutional Greetings
Moderator: Pietro Palandri
Ann Fenech and Giorgio Berlingieri, dialoguing about the Comité Maritime
International, the Italian Maritime Law Association and Unification of Maritime Law
Keynote Speeches
Måns Jacobsson: Liability for Ship-source Marine Pollution - the Past, the Present
and the Future
Norman A. Martinez Gutiérrez: Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims - 100
Years of International Regulation
16:30 Coffee Break
17:00 First Session: The Historical Evolution of Maritime Law
Chair : Alfredo Antonini
Stefano Zunarelli: Carriage of Goods by Sea
Elisa betta G. Rosafio: Salvage
Francesco Siccardi: York-Antwerp Rules
18:00 Second Session: Current Issues in the Evolution of Maritime Law
Chair: Elda Turco Bulgherini
Lorenzo Schiano di Pepe: Judicial Sales of Ships
Laura Trovò: Revision of the 1910 Collision Convention
Marco Lopez de Gonzalo: Autonomous Ships
19:00 Closing Remarks: Sergio M. Carbone
19:15 Cocktail